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View Thread: Vietcong's Anniversary
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Vietcong's Anniversary
Of course i am in. Anything i can do to help, will be done. We have 264 players / former players registered on our website, we can email blast them all. Any eye candy will be great to get them back into the spirit of the game.
  x 1
Silent Bob
Can someone create a videotutorial for installation of VC and VC Starter 1.4.1 under OS W7? Could be usefull for all the guys who will come back for the event......
Edited by Silent Bob on 15-10-2012 15:47
  x 1  x 1
Ehm, Event != Anniversary!? (Then forget my last post, its just a reminder of my ideas for next year).
When should it take place?
Edited by Brchi on 15-10-2012 14:45
No Use For A Name
You guys are still here :-) Nice!
SignatureDon't come back now on your knees
Crying take me back please'
'Cause you can't mend my broken heart
Because it died when we were apart.
We need to post something on facebook also, any ideas? Maybe some videos from our youtube channel?

2LT William Theolinus "KostiCZ" Boner Jr.
LRRP Squad Baker, Delta Team
Silent Bob
check my news on the x-fire club Wink
Silent Bob wrote:
check my news on the x-fire club Wink

what is it?

2LT William Theolinus "KostiCZ" Boner Jr.
LRRP Squad Baker, Delta Team
* Find server provider for 3 x 64 slot servers located in Germany (Europe).
* Find server provider for 1 x 64 slot server located in USA.
* Done: Find server provider for 1 x 64 slot server located in Australia (Oceania). Completed by AppleSinclair.
* Find TeamSpeak 3 server provider(s) for Europe. (100 - 180 slots)
* Find TeamSpeak 3 server provider for USA. (50 - 75 slots)
* Done: Find TeamSpeak 3 server provider for Oceania. (75 - 100 slots) Completed by AppleSinclair.
* Done: Create Facebook. Completed by KostiCZ.
* Done: Create XFire. Completed by Silent Bob.
* Create Twitter.
* Create forum banner (different sizes) and 'poster' (big size).
* Create how-to video showing people how to install and what to do for common errors (e.g. Run as Administrator, Update Sound Driver, Compatibility Mode, Disable Sound error, HradBa DirectX false-positive).
* Create and seed a VC torrent with: Vietcong v1.60, No-CD crack, Fist Alpha addon and VCStarter 1.4. Have all of this in folder form (not .zip or .rar), have it ready for somebody to download the folder, open folder and double click vietcong.exe and for it to work. Or create a custom installer, to install these things and create shortcuts/registry entries.
* Ambassadors for Europe. So far: Silent Bob, Bierkes, Troll.
* Ambassadors for USA. So far:
* Ambassadors for Oceania. So far: AppleSinclair.
* Contact ex-Pterodon staff about the event (use Facebook to contact?)
* Create web page (not whole website) with key information: date, time, countdown, servers and events (timeline).
* Decide on events to run: death match, knives only, shotguns only, capture the flag, etc.
* Collect database of email addresses from current and previous players: So far: Troll, AppleSinclair,
* Decide on a 'marketing strategy': when to begin sending out emails, posting on clansite/fansite, ESL etc. (This is very important -> too early = people forget, too late = people can't download in time).
* Work out contingency plans for server crashes, hackers and slow speed.
* Send out emails, posts, tweets, messages to everyone.
* Create 'fake' servers to advertise in the server list and set bind-keys to advertise in popular servers.
* Assign trusted/experienced admins (on a roster: daytime, nighttime etc) to control behaviour in the servers and discuss rules that they should enforce.
* Plan timeline of game-day; ambassadors & admins to meet on TeamSpeak to discuss how the day/weekend will be run.
* Game-day: everything runs according to plan and we all have lots of fun celebrating 10 years of this great game.

I think we should try to create the same experience for everybody regardless of what part of the world they live in. For that reason, I think we should try to select the same maps, events and timeline for each server. For instance, all of the servers in Germany will change to the next map at the same time and events will be exactly the same regardless of which of the servers you are in.
Edited by AppleSinclair on 21-10-2012 03:46
  x 7
In terms of contacting ex-Pterodon staff to try and get more support for the event (such as an announcement on the Pterodon.com website) I don't see why we couldn't just send them a message on Facebook or LinkedIn. I searched for Michal Janacek and it says he is Lead AI Programmer for 2k Czech.
Edited by AppleSinclair on 22-10-2012 11:04
Silent Bob
AppleSinclair wrote:
I don't see why we couldn't just send them a message on Facebook or LinkedIn. I searched for Michal Janacek and it says he is Lead AI Programmer for 2k Czech.

You need a premium account on LinkedIn to send PM´s Wink
I'm guessing this is his Facebook account: http://www.facebook.com/michal.janacek.140 as he has favourited "2K Czech" and "Game AI for Developers".
AppleSinclair wrote:
I'm guessing this is his Facebook account: http://www.facebook.com/michal.janacek.140 as he has favourited "2K Czech" and "Game AI for Developers".

Yes, that's him. You can see also his friend Shigor Birdman Smile

2LT William Theolinus "KostiCZ" Boner Jr.
LRRP Squad Baker, Delta Team
Great job guys keep going...
Just a quest? Why so many TS servers?
I think maybe all players on 1 TS separated channels by VC server names.
Oh and yeah dot make server decentralization!!! Players will lost... = Empty servers
Just my opinion.

MAP download page.
MAP List.
Edited by GoGs on 24-10-2012 01:42
I think that relaxing FW's with few good hosts to motivate conversations, fun.... would do the job perfect.

If u put more CW meaning..it will get too serious.... it will encourage competition...and competition will encourage cheats.... also u have + serious meaning on lag issue in that case as well... ppl will scream lag if they have to win or loose..... on esl ppl scream lag with ping 36 if they loose ( no offence ) ...what u think team from USA will do with ping 200 while loosing? lost the will to participate.....

just thinking out loud...

imo as simple as it can be done...the better results it will give....

Signature*nGG.| Vlatka
  x 1
Silent Bob
The more players - the better....feel free to post map you want to play.... Wink
GoGs wrote:Great job guys keep going...
Just a quest? Why so many TS servers?
I think maybe all players on 1 TS separated channels by VC server names.

Yeah I guess we could just have 1 TS with lots of slots located in Europe somewhere, but it would really depend on how much lag or packet loss USA and AUS players get on the TS.

GoGs wrote:
Oh and yeah dot make server decentralization!!! Players will lost... = Empty servers
Just my opinion.

MAP download page.
MAP List.

I think having 3 regional hubs (Europe; USA; Australia) is probably more realistic than having it all hosted in one region. It represents a good balance between the desire to have centralization vs. the desire for minimal negative effects on individual players.

If it were completely centralized (e.g. solely hosted in Europe) we would have a few problems:
* Players outside Europe would have unplayable lag and packet loss.
* The timezone would be inappropriate for players outside Europe - for instance, Australia (QLD) is +8 hours ahead of Germany (CEST). This means that the anniversary event would start in Australia 8 hours before it started in Germany.
* Players would rather socialize with other players they know from their own region/community.

I think that relaxing FW's with few good hosts to motivate conversations, fun.... would do the job perfect.

I agree. Clan wars would be inappropriate in a community-driven event like this.
I think that the maps on the servers should perhaps be dictated by the number of players at any given time. If there are 40 + players perhaps move onto the bigger maps, less than 40 keep on small maps.

I am not sure how many players will play on US servers, there seems to be so few Americans playing now. There are still a number from South America, but they too are dwindling fast. Also i have fears for Australia, i hope you can drum up support over there Apple.
Can I ask a stupid question? coffee Are we only talking about CTF events with funwars etc.? Or also other modes? You who are active there right now (which is really amazing! nice!) - you are mostly CTF people, right? Just wonderin' VC Cheers!
SignatureNobody suspects the butterfly. (B.S.)
I am COOP soldier, I think VIETCONG.INFO#1 will be still COOP server Wink And maybe I will setup some new servers if it will be necessary.

2LT William Theolinus "KostiCZ" Boner Jr.
LRRP Squad Baker, Delta Team
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