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View Thread: Getting back into Vietcong
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Getting back into Vietcong

It's been years since I've played. Spoke with a few others about getting back into the game. Here's what I've done so far:

1. Installed game - UK version w/ the nocd Vietcong.exe
2. Running server as well as game on 1 machine (cpu intel 4930k, gpus 2x 780ti, sys mem 32 gigs)
3. Tested server ... working
4. Had a connection issue after about an hr playing coop... red explanation mark upper right corning ... got dropped. I remembered between 2003-2005 being dropped for high ping. Currently my ping is between 9-12. Friend's ping was around 65. He had the same issue.
5. Ports opened on router 5425, 15425
6. Not using vcstarter

7. May have to go back to what I use to do and experiment on certain aspects of the game! Too bad that the Pterodon forum is gone! There was a great video done with a lot of the players in it from "back in the day".

What is your operating system? Windows 7, 8, XP?
SignatureDR. GIGGLEZ
OS is Win 8.1 pro

I think my problem may be my Ethernet cable. I might have to get a new one. It keeps slipping out a tiny bit. This could throw off the connections whether I'm running the server and game on the same machine. Wouldn't think this could be the problem, but I'm thinking it is.

While playing BF4 this evening, I got disconnected with a proxy error and test out my cable by replugging in the cable. Just pushing it back in a little.
SignatureHelped figuring out Hook errors :
marty6 wrote:
I firmly believe that selecting a compatibility mode for either exe file will cause this error and also loose your player's name ontop of that. I checked the registry file for Pterodon to confirm my what I had suspected. Either the name had not changed, but did in the programs or it had changed with only having the first letter of the player's name."
Be sure to install VCSTARTER 1.5.1. if you have not already done so. I had several problems with 8.1 which it got rid of (one in particular which made my video unstable before joining a server). If you have not installed it be sure and right click and run as administrator. I checked all boxes which will appear when executed. VCSTARTER 1.5.1 can be downloaded on this site.
SignatureDR. GIGGLEZ
I think that everything is resolved by installing VCSTARTER 1.5.1 Link http://www.vietco...php?id=572
I would also suggest installing VCGuard Final v10.1 by Brchi for the server function Link http://www.vietco...php?id=589
I use Windows 10 and works well Smile
Man...it's been a long time. Starting to remember the old days of playing this game. Smile Can Vietcong work on win11pro? I hope so. How's everyone doing with this game?
marty6 ...hope to see you guys on a server soon!
SignatureHelped figuring out Hook errors :
marty6 wrote:
I firmly believe that selecting a compatibility mode for either exe file will cause this error and also loose your player's name ontop of that. I checked the registry file for Pterodon to confirm my what I had suspected. Either the name had not changed, but did in the programs or it had changed with only having the first letter of the player's name."
Can someone help me with instaling vc1?, i tryed 2 different version , no succes..
Cipyyy12 wrote:
Can someone help me with instaling vc1?, i tryed 2 different version , no succes..

How to install Vietcong and patch it?

Installation depends on whether your VC and FA disks came from Purple Haze or were bought separately.

* If you have Purple Haze (includes both Vietcong and Fist Alpha),
o Install Vietcong
o Install Fist Alpha
o Install Patch v1.60
o You may reverse the order of Fist Alpha and patch v1.60, the order does not make a difference

* If you bought Vietcong and Fist Alpha separately (i.e. disks did NOT come from Purple Haze)
o US: v1.01 --> v1.30 --> v1.41 --> Fist Alpha --> v1.60
o Europe: v1.30 --> v1.41 --> Fist Alpha --> v1.60
o Australia: v1.30 --> v1.41 --> Fist Alpha --> v1.60
o Japan: v1.41 --> Fist Alpha --> v1.60
o You may reverse the order of Fist Alpha and patch v1.60, the order does not make a difference

Tricks for installing / reinstalling:
# When you must reinstall Vietcong you can locate the Maps somewhere else on your hard disk or make a copy. After installing put the Maps back to Vietcong.
This safes your a lot of time.

# Another trick is your Control settings, make a copy from Vietcong/Cfg/Preset00.ctr or your xxx.ctr saved file.

# make also a copy of Vietcong/user/mp_bindkeys.txt and set it back after the fresh installation. So you don't have type your bind keys again.

# Your short cut FA extension on your desktop:
(yourvietcongfolder) vietcong.exe -addon fistalpha
  x 1
Cipyyy12 schrieb:
Can someone help me with instaling vc1?, i tryed 2 different version , no succes..

You can also use a “portable” version. This is a fully installed version that also allows copy/paste to disk. Have a look here: https://lmy.de/MlNy

Can't install or can't start? In the “newer” Windows versions you have to use the “VCStarter”.
Edited by WEZ on 18-12-2023 09:06
Signature-S.D.S.- WEZ
Member of vietcong.info
Member of ALPHA-TEAM.cz

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Member of vietcong1.cz (R.I.P.)
Member of auscong.com (R.I.P.)
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Member of vietcong.cz (R.I.P.)
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Member of answers.microsoft.com (R.I.P.)

  x 1
You can also find the Vietcong GOLD version, for example, on torrents. It's the full version with Fist Alpha and all patches.
SignatureVisit my website:

GONZO wrote:
You can also find the Vietcong GOLD version, for example, on torrents. It's the full version with Fist Alpha and all patches.

The so-called "GOLD version" was released only in CZ/SK country, GONZO. He has to look around for a "Purple Haze" edition UK/US.
Signature"Life is just a game, Pterodon game"
  x 1
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