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View Thread: vietcong servers
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vietcong servers
Few weeks ago, I wrote here my experience with vietcong.info game server: I wrote my first sentence to another player (czech player) in other language than english and admin suddenly kicked me because vietcong.info game server don't know if I am talking to others some curses as KostiCZ answered here. Haha ok... So every non-english will be kicked automatically. http://www.vietco...post_10225 (Very progressive and open rule, loved like windows in linux world)

vietcong.tk game server known as server which you can donate (minimum 20 Euro). My experience: Still kicked because I was spectating game. How it began: Guderian wrote on vietcong.tk page public message to admin:

Guderian [15/12/15 17:41]: Pliss, I report a strange thing: when we play, there's a SPECTATOR from approx this early afternoon with a strange name like "xhc '[..." who won't play. It's a strange server pb. or something else? Out /
Plissken [16/12/15 19:52]: I've noticed it too. It's not a bug, but a real player who is using the spectator slot very often, what means only 9/10 available when the server is full.
Ask him to come here so he can explain us.
Thx for the report.

So I wrote my message:

xhc [17/12/15] I spectated a game, you kicked me more than one time without explanations what was going on. This server's admission is respectable. You have damaged my records of those gameplays. My dear Gen. Heinz Guderian go to visit all vietcong servers to find spectators and let them report to kick, because of something is "strange" for you.... The question about the donation this fully-grown server is now answered.

Guderian is donor, so when he shrieks "Out", Plissken will do... anyway my message was censored, Plissken wrote:

Plissken [17/12/15 16:02]: Apparently this player is using the spectator slot for hours to record some videos.

My experience in this game server: still kicked, no explanation why kicked (not all slots busy at that times!), no message to me from server when rejoined, only thoughtless touching on button: "kick" in vcguard. Few seconds later he closed spectator slot to disable me as a spectator, so I joined as a player and my question, "why are you still kicking me?", nobody answered...

Vietcong game is playing only 20-30 persons daily. What do you think, active Vietcong players slowly killed by time, cheaters or by admins like these?

What server is your best-loved? Share your good or bad experience.
Edited by xhc on 18-12-2015 13:10
  x 2
Don't be angry. Small Servers dont like "Players" (Slots) which are not play in game or Zombie. Spectating is a Slot so they think "he do not play".

I like your excellent Videos on YouTube. Real good merchandise for VC online playing.

Visit the right Servers Smile

YouTube Video
Edited by WEZ on 18-12-2015 14:22
Signature-S.D.S.- WEZ
Member of vietcong.info
Member of ALPHA-TEAM.cz

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  x 1
I concur that those videos are a very good PR, it's a good job somebody does this, but I don't get that little green point in the middle of the screen. Is it some kind of cheat? How many people do that? No wonder a lot of times I feel doubts about aiming of some players.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video
OndraG wrote:
..but I don't get that little green point in the middle of the screen..

Options -> General
  x 1  x 1
Oh, I get it now, you're playing on those cross-enabled (no Vietnam mode) servers and have an unusual cross, thanks! (And sorry.)
Edited by OndraG on 19-12-2015 21:11
  x 1
There are many ways to play this game. The Vietcong.Info server is the last real home for communicative, coordinated, tactical teamplay for the international vc community. There may be some good games being played in Cz servers, but many of us with higher pings wouldn't know since high ping kick keeps us from discovering that, but you don't hear us cry about it. If the admins are around on Vietcong.Info (excluding Jarda and El Bunda, who continually just run rambo and do whatever they feel like and should really just stick to the affiliated FastshootersCz) then some basic rules are expected to be followed or you will be kicked/banned.

One of the main rules is that at least a small understanding of English is mandatory since communication and coordination is a big part of our coop play, and it has been long established that English is the common language that will be used (there are many posts in the forum which relate to the guidelines for cooperative teamplay here). We do have many players who struggle with English, but as long as they understand enough to follow some simple orders they are welcome and many have even improved their language skills by playing here.

Another main rule is there will be zero tolerance for rambos, if you want to run off alone and do whatever you want there are lots of other servers in the list where you can do that. There is a teamleader decided at the beginning of the round and the orders given are expected to be followed. If it is a language barrier that keeps you from responding to orders or communicating, refer back to rule 1.

There are other rules which are applied as well, such as the no enemy weapons unless engineer is dead, no sten, no US-M3, no pistol sniping, no nade-spamming etc. etc. which also are in use, but the most important are the two I have noted above.

A game should be about having fun, but those of you who think it is ok to have your fun at the expense of others (for example by joining an already in progress game and doing whatever you want without regard for an admin letting you know what the rules are, and thereby spoiling the game for the existing players) really need to give your heads a little shake. There are far too many players around today who think cheating, team-killing, and other asinine behaviour is acceptable and fun, and that is what is destroying this game . The admins here try to provide the framework for enjoyable coop rounds for those players that enjoy this style of game, and there are still many around. We do not password the server but rather try and allow as many players to try this style out as possible(and therefore I think we do try to be progressive and open XHC!!) but there are many players who end up kicked or banned because you can only allow so much before the gameplay is ruined for those players already ingame trying to have a good round. it is a balancing act which any admin dreads but has accepted as a necessary part of the job.

With the still large amount of servers running there is no reason why all players can't find a suitable place to play, but bear in mind every server has its own rules of style of play, it is the player's responsibility to follow those rules if they want to play there.
  x 3
I don´t say these servers should be closed. I just wrote my experience. I wrote admission od those servers to me as to player. It seems like admin has good feeling doing that...better to kick than talking to them the rules or to give some information. Sad is that, I found out the reason why I was kicked form vietcong.info game server only here in this forum (link already here)...

That is point of my post. My opinion is still same: vietcong.info game server is not open for all and admins of those game servers are not welcoming (to play yourself for some "boss" by kicking other better than communication to him).

I don´t want to change these game servers, they can have players, they can have those rules, it is all right, but my opinion is for information, what situation is in community online on varios servers. I just say this: admin´s behaviour of those game servers is ridiculus. Don´t you get why? Then try read my very first post again. ... Still don´t? Never mind... This topic is only my opinion nothing more.
The message everyone sees joining the Vietcong.info server:

This is TEAMPLAY and TEAMRESPAWN server no TK no Rambo no rejoin and no enemy weapons allowed
> Feel free to join TS3 server $ > Visit www.Vietcong.info

So if a newcomer isn't willing to join our TeamSpeak, or starts running instead of saying hi and asking a few questions first (since this is Coop and Coop means, surprisingly, cooperation, gameplay's got to be coordinated, right?), and even ignores warnings, then what do you expect? Vietcong.info admins are one of the most communicative people I know, but even they can't compensate for the lack of communicativeness of the other side.
  x 1  x 1
Admin who kicks other player especially in situation in my post #1 at the top this topic without any communication is ridiculus. That is point of this topic. That is my experience with those game servers.

dim OndraG -you´re talking about some newcomer who starts running as rambo or who ignores warnings, about some lacks and about some server rules which you like and talking why do you like it, BUT you are talking about another thing, please read my first post carefully, my situation is there, not in your posts... I hope this is my last post to explain what I am talking about. If you don´t get it, please let´s it go VC
Edited by xhc on 20-12-2015 02:36
So here's the big question XHC, do you actually understand any English? I was there the night you were kicked, you joined and said hi with some other comment about low fps in English, and then Boykowicz joined and you two began chatting with each other in Czech. You were warned to use English please, and you continued to chat away in Czech so you were kicked. Boykowicz said "nono, he doesn't understand English", which leads to two options: if you don't have any grasp of English (even though you used some when you entered the server) you won't be able to follow what the team's plan is or what the rules are (how do we communicate with someone who can't understand us, and relying on a translator doesn't work well, it's been tried), so you won't have much success trying to play here anyway: or the second option would be you DO understand some English and still chose to ignore the warning about using English only (you WERE warned, so don't say that you weren't), so you were kicked.

You call us ridiculous for our actions but on any given evening we are ingame we have multiple incidences of players coming in to an in-progress round and ignoring what they are being told (a side-effect of being open and allowing ALL players, new and old, to see if they like this style of play), so we have to use our experience as admins to estimate, sometimes rather quickly, whether it's worth talking/arguing further with a person or simply kicking them to show we mean business. And you were just kicked, not banned, so if was a little error then you rejoin and work it out, provided you have the ability to communicate of course. It's not a power-trip, it's an attempt to resolve the situation more quickly so the flow of the round is not disrupted any more than it already has been.

Since this is an opinion topic, my opinion is that your opinion was correct, that the Vietcong.Info server is not open to everyone, it is in fact open to everyone to try out and see if they like a tactical, cooperative, communicative style of game with it's old school set of rules, English usage included. Our goal as admins is to provide a place for those players who enjoy this style, not a place where the whole Vietcong community can just come and do as they please.
[[keep in view: this topic is not about "my" kick or about changes some server rules, this topic is about server's attitude to players as I wrote before.]]

yes I was talking to Byokowicz, I wrote first sentence to him, then I was writting others sentences to him but that sentences was never fully sent to server, because I was kicked - not enough time to finish them. I dont read screen while I am typing message. <- that is small third option for your big question .

Or you can believe that I dont understand english or that I knew there was only english communication allowed.
Boykowicz said "nono, he doesn't understand English" <- Did he write it? To me? If yes next time I'll ask him what he ate by that day....

(OndraG's one of the most communicative) admin made great job, as fast to kick me as possible because he is communicative.. If he communicative this fail kick never happend.
Oh, well option three makes it much better doesn't it, you were too busy chit chatting with your buddy to pay any attention to attempted communication from the admins, well the kick got your attention didn't it? If you would have come back in we would have had your full attention then, which is kind of the goal right, and been able to fill you in on what is expected of you on this server. I won't waste any more time on this topic, just know that other people shouldn't necessarily have to wait around for you to decide if and when you are ready to participate in the round already in progress that you joined.
someone make asian server pls .
What's an Asia Server?
Signature-S.D.S.- WEZ
Member of vietcong.info
Member of ALPHA-TEAM.cz

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Asian server for Japanese players .
You should know how it works.

Do it by yourself VC
Signature-S.D.S.- WEZ
Member of vietcong.info
Member of ALPHA-TEAM.cz

Member of Subgamers.com (R.I.P)
Member of 4cheaters.de (R.I.P.)
Member of unitedadmins.com (R.I.P.)
Member of eliteteamwork.proboards.com (R.I.P.)
Member of vietcong1.cz (R.I.P.)
Member of auscong.com (R.I.P.)
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Member of vietcong.cz (R.I.P.)
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Member of answers.microsoft.com (R.I.P.)

Is there another Ausie player in here?

I talked to "Hung Low" - he told me the same like "420"

There is no Server in there Area ?
Signature-S.D.S.- WEZ
Member of vietcong.info
Member of ALPHA-TEAM.cz

Member of Subgamers.com (R.I.P)
Member of 4cheaters.de (R.I.P.)
Member of unitedadmins.com (R.I.P.)
Member of eliteteamwork.proboards.com (R.I.P.)
Member of vietcong1.cz (R.I.P.)
Member of auscong.com (R.I.P.)
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Member of vietcong.cz (R.I.P.)
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