Vietcong Hradba Cheat Codes
Posted by Administrator on March 10 2011 17:38:05
Code 2, speedhack, can be caused by bad connection that the server sees as cheating
Code 3, flying cheat
Code 4, weapons cheat
Code 5, ammo cheat
Code 6, US grenade cheat, no punishment, cheaters grenade is ignored, just info written to hblog.txt
Code 7, VC grenade cheat, no punishment, cheaters grenade is ignored, just info written to hblog.txt
Code 8, booby-trap cheat
Code 9, speedhack, disabled in v1.40 because some false detections

Code 20, weapons cheat
Code 21, weapons cheat
Code 22, player definition file cheat
Code 23, player definition file cheat
Code 24, headgear cheat
Code 25, headgear cheat
Code 26, super jump cheat
Code 27, flying cheat
Code 28, HradBa is hacked
Code 29, HradBa answer time out, can be caused by bad connection

Code 128, game engine hooked, can be cause by some Firewalls, Anti-viruses or by Windows Blinds like software
Code 129, HB answer time out, can be caused by bad connection
Code 130, speedhack, disabled in HradBa v103 because false detection, still written to the log to help us debug it
Code 131, speedhack
Code 132, HB answer time out, can be caused by bad connection
Code 133, game data differs on the server and the client, can be caused by some unofficial patches ( blood patch,...)
Code 134, just info, player uses incorrect map ( can happen when server changes maps)
Code 135, player uses incorrect map and do some action ( shooting, grenades and so on)
Code 136, HB answer time out, can be caused by bad connection
Code 137, Game engine is hacked
Code 138, Game engine is hacked
Code 139, HB answer time out, can be caused by bad connection
Code 140, HB answer time out, can be caused by bad connection
Code 141, spectator false cheat detection

Code 143, Pure server check (similar to #133), game files are different from that of the servers.

Code 146, speedhack #130 detected five times in short time period, player will be kicked so as to not disturb the game
Code 147, flying cheat
Code 148, superjump detection
Code 149, Direct3D altering ( detects both VcHook and 3D Analyzer )

Code 151, VC_Hook cheat
Code 152, VC_hook cheat
Code 153, wolf ear cheat