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View Thread: Vietcong's Anniversary
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Vietcong's Anniversary
Hello Vietcong's community,

Well, a new year has "just" begun but in a little more than 12 months, it will be the 10 years old anniversary (yet!) of our beloved game: Vietcong!
In the world of the "pc games", it's quiet an event I would say! So, let's give us the time to prepare a big party for that anniversary!!! No? Wink
One year seems to be long...but without to notice it, we will reach that date for "tomorrow"!

One thing I noticed that when I read comments in YouTube's videos or in forums "here and there" about Vietcong, is that the people still have a big affection for the game WE are still playing... "The best game I ever played", "What good memories", "Vietcong forever", ... (lol) are just few comments we will read the most from players who passed to other and more modern games...
Because WE know Vietcong is still a great game to play, why not trying to bring back those "lost soul" to us? lol

Because such an event can't be the work of few only, I'm throwing ideas to see what the community is ready to do...


Mappers could create "special maps anniversary" where they will put all their knowledge and creativity... They will have around 1 year to build and test them...
It could be a "simple" map or a serie of maps, made in collaboration, or not... Whatever will be done, it should be a damn NICE work to release in all cases, "simply" because we will have to compete with what modern games are actually proposing... I think it's "essential" to show that Vietcong can still "hold the comparison" if we try to attract "old and new" players!
Our mapping section is more and more complete, with advises, "how to", scripts and people ready to help... I really believe we will still be able to create nice and cool maps to play! VC

1.70 Patch:

It could be the "official" release of the patch either... The "final patch" the players will have to install to play the most updated version of the game, if they want to re-install Vietcong for the party!
But before that date, it could also be the opportunity to FINALLY have a kind of "official" support from Pterodon's "ex guys" AND 2K Games!!!

Why not contact "them" again to talk about our anniversary project, and send them a "beta patch" or an explanation of the fixes already made, to show what only FEW of us have been able to do WITHOUT official support? If they can help us to fix or add the stuff we aren't able to (because we don't own the source code, for example) it would be a real gift for us and the game they loved and created too!

I also think it's TIME to post some more RECENT NEWS on the first page of the official Pterodon's site! No? Good! we have a lot of projects to propose them! lol


Some of us could try to contact "ex" Pterodon's members to propose them to answer some questions...
Those questions could be proposed by the community itself, and a selection would be made between all the propositions...
Each week, a new interview would be published during 3 months for example, starting from January till...Mars 2013! Jarek Kolar, Cyber Killer, Shigor, Pip, and "all those" we know less... What happend to you guys? And what are the memories you still have about Vietcong? Things like that... Smile


They could organize a BIG war event too (ESL? With the 1.70Patch?). I'm not very aware of what could be done because I'm mainly a "Coop" player, but I'm sure "you" have ideas too... Wink


Some of us are "the memory" of vietcong and gathered a lot of informations with the time... We could create a special section to regroup "the History" of Vietcong, with old interviews, files, anectodes... It should be nice to bring back some old memories WE also build together when we started to play Vietcong! I'm sure forrest747 already have nice documents to propose us with new ideas... Smile


And...what about to finally release Vietcong FOR FREE for those 10 years old too?
More and more publishers are releasing MUCH MORE modern games for FREE, and not the worst (ArmA 2 Free, Battlefield Play4Free, ...)!!! Why not doing the same with Vietcong???
And honestly, that anniversary could be the BEST promotional project if one day, they want to start a Vietcong 3!!! YES!

Ok soldiers, I throwned my grenades! This thread isn't "mine" anymore... lol
That anniversary will only be what WE will do with it... A big success, or a big failure! lol

I don't think it's necessary to go further in my explanations. You all got what I mean I guess... Let's see what you are ready to do, to propose or to comment about that anniversary project... Wink

Fiiire in the hooooole!

Edited by Intruder on 15-02-2012 22:33
  x 1  x 5  x 1
Silent Bob
But before that date, it could also be the opportunity to FINALLY have a kind of "official" support from Pterodon's "ex guys" AND 2K Games!!!

Unfortunatly we won´t get any support from 2k, we have some support from ex-devx.

I also think it's TIME to post some more RECENT NEWS on the first page of the official Pterodon's site! No? Good! we have a lot of projects to propose them!

Cyberkiller is/was the only one who had admin rights on the main site but he is MIA ( i also know he left 2k Czech ), i got his ICQ but he did not signon since 2009.

Some of us could try to contact "ex" Pterodon's members to propose them to answer some questions...
Those questions could be proposed by the community itself, and a selection would be made between all the propositions...
Each week, a new interview would be published during 3 months for example, starting from January till...Mars 2013! Jarek Kolar, Cyber Killer, Shigor, Pip, and "all those" we know less...

Like the one i did with CK? Check auscong.com, its still there......i am up for that but it depends on the devs to reply to my questions so i cant promise....


No legal way!

Shock iiiincommmiiiiing Shock

  x 1
Well... At least it's already "clearing" the path! lol

  x 1
Nice ideas ... we do have to make big VC party.. we owe that to the game !!

Unfortunatly, only ppl that will help around will be ppl from this still active comunity... i think there will be no help from outside .

This ofcorse should not stop anyone of us to give their best to make a great thing and celebrate the Vietcong 10 years.

Lets start wait booze
Signature*nGG.| Vlatka
  x 2  x 1
So where is the LAN going to be? I have already bought 10 flight tickets to 10 differente countries incase it will be in one of them.

- Czech Republic (prague)
- Germany (Frankfurt airport)
- Netherlands (Schiphol)
- United kingdom (Manchester airport)
- Poland (Johannes Paul II Kraków)
- Austria (Flughafen Wien)
- France (Charles de Gaulle Paris)
- USA:California (Los Angeles international airport)
- Madagascar (Ivato International Airport)
- Australia: New South Wales (Billabong - Sydney International Airport)

Choose one and i come Wink

Edited by PuMa on 12-04-2012 13:10
SignatureWhat do you know about getting owned?!

Cheack out my esl page WhApAW-> http://www.esl.eu/eu/#/eu/player/2220025/
  x 1
PuMa wrote:
So where is the LAN going to be? I have already bought 10 flight tickets to 10 differente countries incase it will be in one of them.

- Czech Republic (prague)
- Germany (Frankfurt airport)
- Netherlands (Schiphol)
- United kingdom (Manchester airport)
- Poland (Johannes Paul II Kraków)
- Austria (Flughafen Wien)
- France (Charles de Gaulle Paris)
- USA:California (Los Angeles international airport)
- Madagascar (Ivato International Airport)
- Australia: New South Wales (Billabong - Sydney International Airport)

Choose one and i come Wink


Croatia (Zagreb Airport) Pfft

Kidding ofc,don't think It's gonna be a LAN party,probably multiserver party Wink

BTW,change your signature PuMa --> 404 not found hehe Grin
Edited by JohnDoe on 12-04-2012 13:57
Relax. What is mind? No matter! What is matter? Never mind!
  x 2  x 1
So i have to rent a car at Wien in austria and drive from there trough Slovenia to Croatia no problem Smile

I would like to have LAN party, multiserver party will only be like normal gaming over i-net Sad we need somthing big for this even, I make waffles and Cake!

It looks like you typed somthing wrong when you clicked on that page Smile PS(I did not change it when i saw your comment Pfft)
Edited by PuMa on 12-04-2012 16:10
SignatureWhat do you know about getting owned?!

Cheack out my esl page WhApAW-> http://www.esl.eu/eu/#/eu/player/2220025/

Some of us could try to contact "ex" Pterodon's members to propose them to answer some questions...
Those questions could be proposed by the community itself, and a selection would be made between all the propositions...
Each week, a new interview would be published during 3 months for example, starting from January till...Mars 2013! Jarek Kolar, Cyber Killer, Shigor, Pip, and "all those" we know less... What happend to you guys? And what are the memories you still have about Vietcong? Things like that... Smile

Shame you didn't mention Michal Janecek. I'll try contact somebody and will give you info. I think that you can have more success in Vatra Games then in 2K Czech or even better witch somebody who is out of it already like Pip.

Some of us are "the memory" of vietcong and gathered a lot of informations with the time... We could create a special section to regroup "the History" of Vietcong, with old interviews, files, anectodes... It should be nice to bring back some old memories WE also build together when we started to play Vietcong! I'm sure forrest747 already have nice documents to propose us with new ideas... Smile

Hm, some magazine with VC1 preview can be found and some pictures as well. I think that Bob will have more pictures, I have mainly from IS.

And...what about to finally release Vietcong FOR FREE for those 10 years old too?
More and more publishers are releasing MUCH MORE modern games for FREE, and not the worst (ArmA 2 Free, Battlefield Play4Free, ...)!!! Why not doing the same with Vietcong???
And honestly, that anniversary could be the BEST promotional project if one day, they want to start a Vietcong 3!!! YES!

A2 devs are independent and BF has EA. Publisher never had much interest in VC franchise at all.
I dont know why are you still talking about VC3. There were some ideas for it but before they even start Pterodon joined to IS and worked on Moscow Rhapsody which has been cancelled in 2009. Never say never but no reason to have VC3 from publisher view.
Edited by Defwen on 12-04-2012 16:53
  x 1
Puma, going trough Slovenia to come to Croatia will last only 1 hour lol. Smile
Signature*nGG.| Vlatka
Yes, one hour but 15 EUR for vignette. 15km of highway in Slovenia costs more than a lot of hundreds kilometers in Austria. And also quality of road is not so good as in aus. Very Angry

2LT William Theolinus "KostiCZ" Boner Jr.
LRRP Squad Baker, Delta Team
Sorry for contributing late, there are some important changes in my plans I want to tell you.
On 10th anniversary I wouldn't be worried for providing the full game for free and it would be a good moment for big changes.
I found a quite special way to potentially reach everyone in multiplayer by bringing news to the serverlist:


But the really special thing about this is that by joining the server, a "fake" hradba.dll will be downloaded and then loaded by the client (already tested for v1.6, may be possible for other versions too). This means that it could be used to run custom functions like showing a (fullscreen) advertisement of our creations and the possibility for the player to choose "Yes, update!" or "No, get away!". No real infringement, no changes on the players installation. Just the possibility to get information about an update and eventually apply it, then it could automatically start a download, redirect to a website, etc. There could also be more servers added to the list (to gain more attention and to cover multiple versions), all pointing to the same update server.
We should wisely seize this opportunity.

An important change of my program (Jiankong) is that it now will be required by everyone wanting to join the new community. There will be no compatibility between new servers and normal v1.6 clients. Downside: Gamespy serverlist will probably die (relevant for everyone not doing the update) because there will be a new independent one.
But it will make things better and easier for everyone. HradBa will be completely replaced by a new fully featured anticheat system including 1st person spectating & replays (tested already) and mod support, and basic anticheat will be active in all matches.

So I would like to cover the following areas:
- Download of full v1.6 Vietcong + Fist Alpha with choice between czech/english/russian sounds, including text in all languages and full blood for all versions
- A community platform consisting of a website (not yet sure, see below) and desktop application:
Account system with profile & stats, to make bans more effectual (no personal information required).
Application messenger-like (login and standby for match invites, etc.), lobby for chatting & matchmaking, keep friendlist, manage clans, news, events, etc.
It will not only be a desktop window but also accessible ingame (Steam-like) allowing high comfort.
And it will also have "VCStarter"-like options for singleplayer which will never require any program update or online activity.
Further key features: Many bugfixes, many new features (including new ui elements for new voting system, match system, etc.), remote control for servers

And it would be nice to see some great new maps and maybe some kind of basic mod, not changing too much, maybe just more bodies&headgear to choose, that binocular animation I heard from, and such nice details.

I wonder if my platform could be an ESL alternative for VC.
And could we combine it with vietcong.info in any way? Because Im not yet sure about a new website for account management, browsing profiles & saved matches, etc. but that could also be integrated into the desktop application so the website could be an information/download-only frontpage and vietcong.info forums could be used for communication aside from chatting.
I could also create a PHP interface for vietcong.info to query several informations like profiles, ranks, etc. But it could also all be on a separate website, its up to you now too.
  x 7
Silent Bob
Brchi wrote:
And could we combine it with vietcong.info in any way? Because Im not yet sure about a new website for account management, browsing profiles & saved matches, etc. but that could also be integrated into the desktop application so the website could be an information/download-only frontpage and vietcong.info forums could be used for communication aside from chatting.
I could also create a PHP interface for vietcong.info to query several informations like profiles, ranks, etc.

Thats a good idea, also vietcong.info should be a backup for your server.....so data could be accessable when masterserver is offline.

Drop me a PM to discuss details Wink
  x 3
@Brchi, if you need my help, send me a PM.
I could cover this areas:
-Webdesign(client-side only)
-Graphics(banners, wallpapers, backgrounds etc...)
-Making VC also in Romanian language + sounds!
JohnDoe wrote:

PuMa wrote:

So where is the LAN going to be? I have already bought 10 flight tickets to 10 differente countries incase it will be in one of them.

...don't think It's gonna be a LAN party, probably multiserver party

I was also thinking about a multiserver party but now, if some are ready to organize a LAN party, why not! APPLAUSE

PuMa wrote:

I would like to have LAN party, multiserver party will only be like normal gaming over i-net Sad we need something big for this event, I make waffles and Cake!

Indeed, but I really hope the servers will be much more numerous because more... "crowded" for the event!
It would be cool if we succeed to pass the 1000 (2000?) players again! Smile

If we want a LAN party, we should know how many peoples will come, but if we can't do it, we all should use Tunngle. The software uses an advanced technology wich gives you a LAN experience even from distance. I'm using it in all my online games and I'm very happy with it. You can feel the difference when you play with it Wink
Count me in, what can i do/make to contribute to the anniversary?
Silent Bob
Contact Don,Spookey and some other TMG´s and teach the "boys" a lesson in Teamplay Grin
  x 1
Great Brchi! This would be brilliant.. rejoining all players on same version is the best step to make!

Any help with maps, design ... i would be more than happy to help with what i can.
Signature*nGG.| Vlatka

Here is a link i found!

Hello Vietcongers!

This is just a reminder...
In less than 6 months, we will reach the date! So, if you have "hot stuff" in the fridge, don't forget to take it out before! Wink

Other idea:
Some, having skills with graphical programs could create "Vietcong logos" for that anniversary (but not necessary) and could post their stuff "ready to use" for all...
Then, people will just have to download the file(s) they like, to go with their USB key in a printing shop... Hey, who knows, maybe one day you will meet someone in the streets wearing a Vietcong t-shirt or sweat-shirt, made by "you"! Grin

  x 2  x 1
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